Everything about a person appears in his or her behavior. To make one's behavior beautiful is to make oneself beautiful. It means changing the way of life itself, including the way of mind. That is what I want to support. (Mai Sakurakawa)
Mai Sakurakawa (founder)
Modern Tradition Dance Performance JapanExpo Australia
Last year's performance at Japan Expo Sydney was a collaborative performance between myself and Kunihiro Matsumoto, titled Modern Tradition "Houmai". I then introduced Japan to the global audience through a comprehensive performance of top-notch music, nail art, makeup, and more.
The Japan Expo Sydney performance was a very important milestone for me, and I hope that this opportunity touched people's hearts and helped those from different backgrounds and cultures understand and empathize with each other.
I was very pleased that people had this opportunity to see our Modern Tradition "Houmai” performance, and I hope that it moved them and brought delight to their hearts. We once again wore special nail art by Nobuko Nagata, a nail designer who has exhibited her work in fashion shows in New York, London, Milan, and Paris.
We also wore makeup by Koji Watanabe, winner of the World Makeup Contest and makeup designer of the Japanese musical "CATS."
The production of Modern Tradition "Houmai” was directed by Kunihiro Matsumoto, and the choreography and dance was a collabrative effort between us. Mr. Matsumoto who is a member of the Japan Directors Association and the director/choreographer of Wacoal International Shows and Off Broadway productions.
The music to Modern Tradition "Houmai” was Kashira, the latest work by Masanori Takumi who is the first Japanese artist to win a Grammy Award, giving us a wonderfully brilliant song that evokes the Japanese spirit, with its nostalgia, etherealness, and grandeur.
I founded FullmyBijin Academy Inc. with the aim of spreading the beauty of classical Japanese dance to the world and fusing its essence with the modern age to enrich people's hearts around the world.
I hope that by incorporating elements of Japanese dance into daily life, more people will discover its beauty and be filled with happiness. Starting next year, I plan to incorporate the "Modern Tradition" style into my traditional lessons. What do you think? Would you like to dance? Would you like to dance with me in the world?
In order to meet the "me" that I love, I open the door to "behavior".
The Tokyo Kimono Show is about to begin on March 29-31! FullmyBijinn Academy will be exhibiting again this year, as we did last year. This year we will be offering a 20-minute posing experience.
Tokyo Kimono Show 2024: Don't be satisfied with just wearing a kimono!
You can meet a new "me" by changing your behavior.
A new world opens up, filled with beauty.
This year, we will hold another attractive hands-on lesson.
We look forward to seeing you at the workshop venue (Tagen Bldg.)
Please feel the beauty that has been completed♡ You can expect a longer neck, a more graceful shoulder, and even benefits for the appearance of your face.
In addition, based on my many years of experience in Japanese dance, I have devised and taught a one-minute dance that will dramatically beautify your behavior. I also devised and teach a dance that will dramatically beautify your behavior with one minute of dance.
Nihonbashi Classroom is Now Open.
The Shinayaka Shosa Dance School opened in Nihonbashi, the town of kimonos, at the Tokyo Kimono Show venue Nihonbashi Ichimasu Tagen Bldg.
The spacious area is also available for Japanese dance practice, graceful gestures, and even walking lessons.
I would like to make it a wonderful place to connect with people who want to become beautiful ♡ Also, it looks like we can have a mini presentation, which will add a lot of fun.
We are also looking for instructors near Tokyo. Please contact us here☆We are waiting for you♡. forms.gle/duqSVauKzdq68udo9
Tokyo Kimono Show
The annual Tokyo Kimono Show will take place in the Nihonbashi neighborhood. it is a major kimono event, and we will be exhiting at the workshop there. Please come and join us! Experience posing to beautify your kimono appearance.
One Year Anniversary of the Establishment of FullmyBijin Academy, Inc.
We celebrated the first anniversary of the establishment of the FullmyBijin Academy, Inc.
We would like to thank everyone who has been involved in this project.
Thank you for your continued support.
〜First Event of Fullmybijin Academy After Establishment〜
Immediately after establishing FullmyBijin Academy, Inc.
we were able to get off to a great start with a big job.
This is his debut at the “Sanyui Exhibition,” a kimono event held at the main Mitsukoshi Department Store in Nihonbashi.
FullmyBijin Academy
by Mai Sakurakawa
How to stand and behave in a kimono to make your appearance beautiful,
and a lesson to experience and feel how to build a supple body.
▪️5 Wednesday, March 18 and Sunday, March 22
Each day from 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., and 3:00 p.m.
Reservations required, approx. 30 minutes, 5 persons per session
Special experience price 3,300 yen.